Friday, December 7, 2012

Dear fifth graders,
Can't believe I will be back in Massachusetts tomorrow! The cold will certainly be a shock. But it's always good to be home. I miss you all.
Last night I went to San Francisco's Chinatown. They have a large community of Chinese Americans here. The architecture is very cool and there are a lot of shops and restaurants.

I had a nice last day today. I went to the conference this morning. I feel so lucky to have come here-I learned so much and talked to people from all over the world. I feel lucky to have been able to talk to the scientific community about the importance of science for elementary students- and that kids love science and are great student scientists!
This afternoon I went to a couple of art museums. Here I am with a very famous statue.

 Then on to the California Academy of Sciences- where the Aquarium is. It was beautiful. They have a big rainforest exhibit with butterflies, birds, and lots of those colorful frogs.They had a "green" roof  you can go up on. It was very cool.

 Finally a walk to the Japanese Tea
Garden for a cup of tea.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you. Have a great weekend- play outdoors!
Ms. Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mrs B, its Max, blogging from home! Its awesome your back! I hope you think so to! I'm just going to blog all the time!
    I was really bored so I hopped on. Ya, this comment isn't going anywhere,and I am kinda stealing your blog.
    Max 5C.
